Body Candle Light Vigil For The Rev | Avenged Sevenfold Fans Arena
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Candle Light Vigil For The Rev

10 Januari 2010

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Pada hari Jum'at lalu (8/01), para fans dari Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan mengadakan acara Candle Light Vigil untuk mengenang drummer A7X yang meninggal pada tanggal 28 Desember 2009 lalu. Kematian The Rev memang sangat mengejutkan karena sebelum dia meninggal, dia tidak mengalami penyakit apa pun. Para fans The Rev sangat berduka cita atas meninggalnya The Rev. Mereka sangat menyayangkan kematian The Rev yang begitu cepat.

Acara ini berlangsung mulai pukul 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM. Acara ini dihadiri oleh ratusan fans fanatik A7X dan berlangsung sangat khidmat. Mereka juga tak lupa mendoakan The Rev agar arwahnya tenang di alam baka. Mereka juga merasakan rasa haru yang amat mendalam, karena tidak setiap waktu para fans A7X bisa berkumpul seperti ini. Beberapa dari mereka juga menyatakan acara ini sangat luar biasa. Mereka dapat berkumpul untuk mengirimkan doa kepada The Rev. Beberapa dari mereka juga berharap agar A7X segera mencari drummer baru agar album mereka cepat di-launching walaupun The Rev tetap tidak dapat tergantikan di hati para Sevenfoldism.

Dan ini adalah komentar dari beberapa fans yang hadir di acara itu :

From Arielle P:
It was so amazing to see all these people get together, with a common love, and just share stories and feelings. There were so many laughs, so many tears. It was just really great. Too amazing for words. I’ve never felt so belonged somewhere, I guess you’d say. Its like, we didn’t all know each other, but we all loved each other.

From Wendy:

The vigil was beautiful. There was such a sense of family and belonging amongst the group. Hearing everyone’s stories really brought a smile to my face and helped me realize that we were all going to get through this together. A7X has some of the most amazing fans. It was so touching to see so many come together to honor one of the greats of our time…

From Sara:

It was great being able to be around so many fans that care so much. The support and love for each other was very apparent. The most beautiful (but sad) part was everyone standing together to sing Seize The Day. And throughout the night it was easy to see we really are one big family!

From Franki Doll:

The vigil was beautiful. No faces, just candles and souls sharing beautiful words and stories. Some laughter, some tears… but mostly – a lot of love. The world became quieter when Jimmy left… but last night it was apparent that through his leaving, he gave many others their voices to speak. <3

From Mayra:

yesterday was beautiful!! There were lots of hugs given to people we might have never known but now do..old friends…lots of laughter and crying but it was all for jimmy. seize the day never sounded so beautiful! 40s in the park in memory of The Rev<333

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